You’ve just finished the early morning round up. Mucking out, feed, water, you know the drill. You’re trudging back home with cold wet feet.
You may have jumped in your vehicle and driven home with the heater blasting. The airflow directed at your feet in a bid to gain some much needed warmth. Whichever way you go, those boots have to come off so what happens next?
Do you leave them in the porch or utility room praying that they will dry or be at least a little less wet next time you have to put them on?
Do you stack them next to a radiator, hoping the heat doesn’t split the creases that invariably appear on all shoes after wearing?
Common problems i’m sure you will agree, and not just limited to our world of horses. Either way repeating the process will mean that soon enough you’ll be looking for a new pair of boots or need to have a host of them ready to wear whilst the others dry out.
A Solution
The Centaur Heated Boot Dryer
A fantastic way of prolonging the life of your footwear or more simply put a brilliant product that dries your boots ready for their next use.
A quick look at the product pages on our website and it is easy to see why you would benefit from owning one. Drying , with a choice of colour. Costing just 4 pence an hour to run, they are versatile, lightweight and fully portable.
It is, however, hard to look past the fact that the Centaur Heated Boot Dryer, dries from the inside out. Therefore eliminating the issue of splitting the front of your boot at the creases by exposing it to prolonged heat and increasing the life span of the footwear.
Prolonged life! How much time and money will that save you and your family?